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Crop Analysis offerings in Agriculture Industry

Accurate crop data
Accurate Crops Data
Faster Field Mapping
Faster Field Mapping
Better Output Estimation
Better Output Estimation
crop Data for decision making
Capture relevant data
Scout Fields
Scout fields faster
track crops over time
Efficiently track crops

Benefits for Crop Analysis


Crop Health Assessment

Provides a fast and precise way to monitor large fields. Equipped with advanced sensors, our drones detect issues like nutrient deficiencies, diseases, and water stress early on. This enables timely interventions, optimizing yields while reducing the need for excessive chemical use, supporting sustainable farming.


Irrigation Management

This involves using drones equipped with multispectral or thermal imaging to assess soil moisture levels and identify areas that may require irrigation.


Field Mapping

It is a process of using drones to create detailed maps of fields, which can be used for tasks such as crop planning and record keeping.


Crop Scouting

Our drones are used to survey large areas of crops, looking for issues such as pests, diseases, or irrigation problems.


Crop Stress Analysis

Crop stress analysis identifies factors like drought, pests, and nutrient imbalances that harm plant growth. By detecting stress early through data analysis, farmers can apply targeted solutions, improving crop health and yields while promoting sustainable farming.

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