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Chatak is a technology-based enterprise, exclusively focused on cutting-edge agro services and spraying of microbicides for farmers. Despite the huge technological advances made in various domains in India, agriculture still lags behind intechnology adoption. Chatak provides drone spraying services to farmers across the country. Our Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) based Agricultural Spraying Platform is introduced to solve farming concerns, implement effective measures for better yield and increase cost savings.

Chatak is one of the few companies in India to have their product CADTECH HEXA certified by the DGCA


To create a technology-based ecosystem easily accessible to farmers for their sustainable & economic development of agriculture.


Providing technological advancement to the agricultural industry in India to help empower farmers & have a positive impact through our drone technology.


“Chatak” is considered to be a lucky bird. This bird heralds the onset of the monsoon in India. Being an agricultural economy, the rainy season is considered one of the most auspicious seasons in the country. And so, the Chatak bird in North and Central India is a welcome sight. The inspiration behind the name stems from - Chatak a friend to the farmer, what we as a company endeavour to be.


Chatak was founded in June 2021, with an intention to provide the farmers with on time and quick drone spraying services. We realised the lack of available on time labour, wastage of water and improper spraying on crops led to unfruitful results due to traditional spraying methods adopted in agriculture.

His outlook was to educate and provide the farmer with modern technology and make these tools their allies to overcome all hurdles and achieve the best results on their farm with ease.

The team always believes in satisfying the farmers with top quality service and information which will help them to reach their full potential. Further implementation in Multispectral cameras through our technology will help the farmers save on costs and increase yield.

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